Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Day

Payton is overwhelmed just looking at the mound of gifts.

The presents from Santa came unwrapped and already assembled. Yea!

Enjoying a white Christmas with Grandpa Steve
Christmas Day was a long and fun-filled day for Payton. We started our day at Grandma Pia's house where we ate breakfast and opened gifts. Then we went back to the house to open gifts with the Sitko's. There was definitely not a shortage of gifts. I think we opened for 2 solid hours! After a tasty lunch and Payton's short nap, we headed to Great-Grandma Erika's for more gift giving. Payton was shy at first to open her gifts, but soon got the hang of it, and wanted to unwrap everything in sight. She had so many gifts that we actually had to open them in a couple waves! We were very thankful for all the presents received and time shared with family.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Slurping Cereal

While mommy was away at work one day, Payton Anne was taught how to drink the milk from her cereal bowl. So, on Saturday morning, Payton showed mommy and daddy her new found ability. If you look closely, she only spilt a few drops. Not bad for a 20 month old!


My little darling is getting her first taste of homemade Christmas cookies. Not suprisingly, she loves them. However, Mommy was not so enthusiastic about the green icing all over her face. This would be the first of many Christmas treats to come!

Visit with Santa

After the Christmas parade we went to visit Santa at his "house" in downtown Springfield. Needless to say, Payton was not at all impressed. She refused to sit on Santa's lap all by herself, so Santa invited me to sit with her. I personally think that is an old Santa trick to get mommies on Santa's lap. Well, maybe next year Payton will have better luck with Santa Claus!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Ty and I went to the doctor today. We were told that we are being blessed with another baby girl!!! With the exception of her really long legs, she is exactly on time for April 22nd. We will be 21 weeks tomorrow, so only 19 weeks to go:)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving in STL

Every year for Thanksgiving we travel to Fenton, MO to spend the holiday with Tyler's family. This is the second year that Payton and her cousin, Greggie, have gotten to share in the holiday festivities together. Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jim gave both kids a "Little People Thanksgiving" ship. Greggie thought that he needed both, so he tried to take away Payton's ship. They did a lot of playing, but they mostly played around each other. Hopefully next year, there will be more interaction between the two. Nonetheless, the overnight stay was fun and exciting, but inevitably too short!

Disney Live

Two weeks ago Grandma Sue took Payton and I to see Playhouse Disney Live. Payton loves all of the Disney shows: Handy Manny, Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Winnie the Pooh! She had a fabulous time watching all of the characters sing and dance on stage. She even got a Little Einsteins flashing wand!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Shoes, shoes, shoes!

Payton loves strutting around the house in everyone's shoes. She's starting to get really good walking in heels too! We have quite the little princess on our hands:)

Shopping Cart Fun

Payton loves being pushed around the house in her shopping cart. If only I could get her to actually sit in the shopping carts at the store!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Family Op

Nothing about this Joker made Payton laugh
Grandma (Bat Woman) and Grandpa (The Joker) also enjoyed a night out on Halloween. Payton was not too impressed with Grandpa's mask!

Trick-or-Treat 2009

Payton holding her "little" garden gnome

Downtown at the Halloween contest

Payton received a Mickey Mouse Halloween card

This year mommy decided that Payton was going to be something more "girly" for Halloween (not Elvis), so she was a garden gnome. Who doesn't love those cute little people who stand ever so quietly watching over your garden? She really enjoyed the costume, but the pointy shoes were a little slippery on the tile floor.

Mommy and Payton went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood on Halloween. She loved getting the "goodies" and stuffing them in her pumpkin. She ought to be a pro at it next year! Needless to say, she was worn out at the end of the day and went to bed early.


Uncle Dave crafted a couple of pumpkins for Payton's Halloween at the Sitko's. Both pumpkins lit up and were on display for Halloween night. Thanks, Uncle Dave!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Great Pumpkin Patch

Posing by the owl
Showing off her very stylish sunglasses

How tall am I?

Running through the tunnel

Picking out her very own pumpkins!

It is that time of year again... a time for our annual visit to the pumpkin patch. Ty and I loved "The Great Pumpkin Patch" in Arthur, IL last year when we took Payton, so we decided we would return again this fall. It was a cool, fall day on Sunday so we dressed in long sleeves, pants, and jackets as we set out to see the 200 acres of land that this pumpkin patch sits on. Payton had an awesome time looking at all the animals, running through the sunflower maze, and gathering her own pumpkins. We even stopped by the Sweet Shoppe and Bakery to try some pumkin sandwiches, pumpkin bars, and pumpkin sweet rolls. Yum! We are definitely looking forward to next year's visit.

A Time for Leaves

Putting on a show for her neighborhood friends

Payton enjoyed playing in the leaf piles that Grandpa raked up. She invited her girlfriends from across the street to come and play with her. They had an enjoyable time on a cool fall day!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

1st Haircut

Payton visited the salon on September 29th for her very first haircut. YES, this haircut was way overdue, but we finally found some time to get it done! She really didn't know what to think at first, but ended up enjoying the experience. She kept trying to take the scissors and the water bottle away from the stylist, but she managed nonetheless. When Payton finished up, she got to pick out a new hair accessory from the bin. She chose a purple headband. Mommy and daddy love it!


Uncle Kevin came over to babysit two weeks ago while Ty and I went to a wedding. When we came home at 9:15, this is what we saw. Don't they look adorable! Though I am not sure who is supposed to be watching who..???

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Have A Secret....

It's not enough for me to finish my master's degree, sell my house, and move in with my in-laws. Ty and I topped it all off with getting pregnant again. We are so excited to be expanding our family once again. Baby Sitko is scheduled to be born on April 22, 2010. Exactly eleven days after Payton's second birthday! I can already see more "diamonds" in my future (April baby).

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Watch Out! Payton's Driving

On Thursday, Ty brought the bus home to prep it for Saturday's football game. Payton loves to run around and play on the bus, but today, she thought she would try her hand at driving the bus. She climbed in the driver's seat and started moving the steering wheel. Next thing we see is Payton leaning over to grab the stick shift to change gears. She even stood up to honk the horn!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


On Monday last week a realtor emailed me and asked if we were still looking to buy a home and if we were interested in selling. Ty and I talked and we decided that we would be willing to entertain any offers. She stopped by on Tuesday to look at our home before suggesting it to other realtors. On Wednesday, we had our first walk through. Then we had three more on Friday. One on Sunday and two on Monday. We received an offer on Monday evening from one of the clients. We battled back and forth, and he finally accepted on Tuesday.

Our home was only on the market for 5 days!!! We will continue showing it until all of the inspections are complete. If all goes well, we will close on September 30th. And for the time being we will move in with the Sitko's. We are still unsure of whether we want to buy or build, but in the meantime, we will save $$$ while we are living with them!

Wish us luck!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Illinois State Fair 2009


This is "Sancho", the steer

This year's state fair was Paytons second go around. We participated in the twilight parade on Thursday night. This is the kick-off for the eleven day event. On Friday, we returned to sample a gyro from the Greek tent. Payton definitely gives it a thumbs up! We went again this past Friday with Ty. Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperating, so we only stayed for a couple hours. Needless to say, Payton was not as impressed with the Filipino food (pancit), as the Greek food. We returned again on Saturday with Grandpa and Alexis. Payton was able to pet farm animals at the 4H area, watch a monkey show, ride the giant slide, and eat more junk food than I even want to talk about. I have to say that her most interesting experience was sitting on Sancho the steer.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Laundry Helper

I was folding laundry this weekend when Payton decided that she wanted to help. She proceeded to throw all of the clothes on the floor and sit inside the basket. She drank her juice and snuggled with her bear. She even let me push her around the house.

First trip to the Zoo

Pushing the stroller

I used to take pics on this very same seal when I was younger.

Payton and Daddy

On Friday, August 7th we took Payton to the Henson Robinson Zoo in Springfield. She loves animals, especially monkeys, so we thought we would try it out. The Springfield Zoo is just the right size for someone her age, because it is not very big. It takes about an hour to walk through. More than anything Payton was interested in pushing her stroller around. Oh well, there's always next year!