Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"NEW" Pics

New Jammies

New Bathtub

New Bed

Not surpisingly, it has been awhile since my last post. We have been busy getting settled in our new home. Payton has been the center of attention as she has had to make the biggest adjustment. The new house only took her a couple of days to get used to, but she also has transitioned to a BIG girl bed as well. Now that she has figured that she can get out of it all on her own, it makes nap time especially challenging!
Our focus this week, now that I am on spring break, is to get the house in order. I spent 4 hours on Saturday sweeping and mopping. I've spent many more countless hours doing laundry and organizing. We have taken some time out to plan and order party supplies for Payton's up and coming 2nd birthday festivities. She is really excited to have Tinkerbell be the theme of this year's party.
In addition, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the newest member of our family. I went to the doctor on Monday and all is well. The baby has not dropped any, but she is head down. I will be seeing the OB every week until the little one arrives. We are tentatively scheduled for an induction on April 21st. Since my original due date is the 22nd, I hope I make it that long! I am not looking forward to going into labor early, because my doctor has decided to go on vacation from April 13-20th.


Jaycie and Randy said...

Super cute new pictures!! Glad to hear you are settling in and things are going well! Payton looks just adorable and so grown up!! We will unfortunately not be able to make it to Payton's Tink party... Randy has drill that weekend... Enjoy the last few weeks as a three person family!!!

Mommy said...

So glad to hear that your are getting settled into your new home and that the baby is remains happy and healthy inside of your belly. Can't believe it's almost time for the arrival of baby #2! Thanks for sharing the pics of Peyton.